a start, this particular enterprise was part of a larger enterprise –
that of creating a perfect language. Dummett explains:
“… I think that Frege dreamt of a perfect language in which such difficulties could never arise. There’d be no ambiguity, no vagueness, no need for interpretation.” (221)
suspects, at least provisionally, that this is what Dummett wanted
too. After all, why would he have invested so much energy on Frege if
this were not the case? I would suggest the idea of ‘interpretation’
when it comes to making our utterances and sentences explicit creates
problems for the idea of (Fregean) thoughts and propositions in that
we may choose different interpretations of the same proposition or
simply get it completely wrong in the first place. That is no doubt
why Frege tried to create a semantics in which there would be “no
need for interpretation” at all.
it even a possibility that Frege, or anyone else for that matter,
could have created a language that is free from ambiguity, vagueness,
and the rest? Perhaps one can create such an artificial language.
However, as many philosophers later found, such languages were
woefully inadequate when it came to clarifying and precisyfying
natural languages and indeed any kind of language. Perhaps the
creation of a language with no vagueness and ambiguity would be an
indefinite – perhaps infinite – task. Perhaps even if it could be
achieved no one, except perhaps its creator, would understand it.
any case, Dummett himself realises that the idea of an ideal language
is futile:
“Well that’s a dream. We don’t have such a language and I don’t think we could have such a language.” (221)
saying that, Dummett goes on to say that that “doesn’t inhibit
the communication of thoughts”. He continues:
“It just requires communication to be something which engages the intelligence of the hearer as well as the speaker.” (221)
this statement Dummett moves into the second half of the 20th century
and perhaps even commits himself to something like Grice’s theory
of ‘speech acts’.
just as the indeterminacy of meaning doesn't “inhibit the
communication thought” (i.e. non-Fregean thoughts!), so a lack of a
perfect or ideal language doesn’t inhibit communication. What
matters, and what Frege failed to realise, is that the hearer, as
well as the speaker, must be brought into the equation. We can't ever
have a perfect language or sentence which even an ideal hearer will
not be required to interpret in some way. There could never be some
kind of algorithmic relation between an utterance or a sentence and
our understanding of it as if its meaning (or the thought contained
in it) simply passed from the utterance (or sentence) into our minds
without picking up at least some dead wood along the way.
hearer is as much part of the relation as is the speaker. The former
must work as hard at understanding as the latter does at correctly
communicating what it is he wants to communicate. Perhaps also the
speaker or writer is required to assume certain things about the
hearer or reader. Similarly, the context of the utterance as well as
how it is articulated and stressed may also come into the picture
when it comes to understanding an utterance or a sentence. More
concretely, perhaps the speaker has to apply the “principle of
charity” to the hearer and similarly the hearer has to apply the
principle of charity to the speaker. Only then will both get
something out of an individual act of communication.