Sunday, 3 March 2024

Spiritual Paranormalist Clinton Baptiste Isn’t a Fraud!

The thing about Clinton Baptiste is that he actually looks deeply spiritual. His blonde locks display that deep spirito di punto inside all of us. Indeed, when in close proximity to the great man, you can smell his spirit.

Materialists, scientists and naysayers will say what they say about him, but they can’t ignore his uncanny spiritual abilities.

For example, when psyching for an audience of 500 peoples, Baptiste passed a message to a Pascal Del Monte from the Other Side: “Someone called Dave says you’re a twat.”

So who, but a soulless materialist, could doubt Clinton’s incredible psychic gifts when he also said to an audience, “I’m getting the name… John. Is there a John in the audience?”

And guess what.

There was a John in the audience!

Now that is true spiritual greatness!

Yes, Baptiste’s psychic skills are quite remarkable, despite what the materialists and sceptics sneeringly say in their Medium stories.

Some people have even suggested that the police should use Baptiste’s services. Take the time when he did some heavy-duty psyching:

“I’m getting the word… ‘nonce’.”

Yes! Baptiste had correctly identified a nonce in the audience.

And the proof that he was Right came when the nonce punched him in the face.

Here’s another example.

Baptiste has psyched Michael Jackson, Kurt Cobain (who died), Neil Armstrong, and Jesus H. Christ. (“He’s got a beard and the long robes and everything”).

Yet, oddly enough, Baptiste himself needs a spiritual guide in order to take him to a yet-higher spiritual realm. His guide is Taruak the Eskimo. (Later rechristened as Taruak the Inuit when Baptiste became well aware of cultural sensitivities and stuff.)

Clinton is very much hands on too.

Basically, all the spiritual stuff isn’t just based on theory: it’s also grounded in practice, reality and experience. Indeed, Clinton has personally experienced 23 Near Death Experiences in the last 7 years (as recalled here).

Scientists and Materialism are Evil

Take the case of astrology, and what all those closed-minded scientists say about it.

192 scientists were once asked about astrology. (19 of them were Nobel Prize winners.) In broad terms, they all claimed that astrology has no scientific support, logical explanation, and is a bunch of bull*shit.

Clearly, these scientists — all of them — are total fuck*ers.

Yes, they’re soooooooo cocooned in their petty world of fact, argument and data that they can’t see the Truth.

If only they felt the Truth.

I blame materialism myself.

Materialism is, well, evil.

It’s responsible for literally — and I mean that literally — all the ills of the Western world.

In the Spiritual East, and to some extent in our own spiritual past, there were no wars, no persecutions, no narrowmindednesses, no tribalism, no hate. There was simply a holistic spiritual reality in which all the parts of the Universal 1 were interconnected to each in some crazy quantum-entangled kinda way.

Indeed, in the Spiritual East, even farmers and bricklayers stared at the stars for at least half-an-hour each day, contemplated-Being-for-a-while, and then blended into Mother Nature’s welcoming womb.

But in the West, all that ended in 1637 - with the satanic birth of materialism!

Yes, when Desmond “the Des” Carts released his first album — Discourse on der Method.


Well, where do I start?

Materialism embodies an entire omni-omni-bus-pass-of-a-mindset and a worldview.

From dawn till dusk (or both), materialism controls every aspect of our lives — from our love of war and our hate of love, to how we make love to beatifical ladies.

What’s more, metaphysical materialism and everyday materialism — consumerism! — are actually one and the same thing. And that’s because the latter grew on the dung heap of the former.

Hence, the rampant egoism in the West.

Deepak Chopra. Clinton Baptiste is a good spiritual friend of Chopra. They grew up together in Bolton’s “spiritual quarter”. They share the same accountant.

Unlike millionaire gurus and quantum businessmen, most Westerners (especially the scientists) are ruled by their possessions, self-image, titles, and a sense of their own superiority…

And it is that hellhole that spiritual conduits like Clinton Baptiste are rebelling against.

Yes, spiritual-but-not-religious people are showing us the way to a selfless, possessionless, and egoless world.

Baptiste himself displayed his selflessness and ego death when during Peak Covid he manged to carry out bargain-priced seances and readings over Zoom.

So please checkout Clinton Baptiste’s live acts, as well as his podcast — the Paranormal Podcast. Tickets are only 50 quid for the acts, and each podcast is downloadable for free at only £9.99.