important distinction that must be made between Jean-Baptiste
Lamarck's position and Charles Darwin's is that the former believed that
animals acquired characteristics. In other words, organisms or
animals can change while alive. Darwin, on the other hand, stressed
the inheritance of characteristics, not their acquisition
during the existence of animals.
surely an animal has to acquire a characteristic before it can be
passed onto - or be inherited by - future generations. Yes, that's
true – though only over time. That is, individuals don't acquire
characteristics over life-times. Though over time species may
acquire characteristics. Those characteristics, though, will be too
small to be noticed by one generation and will certainly not be
noticeable over the lifetime of an individual animal.
this true of all species? What about the microscopic ones which have
very short lifespans? Is is literally impossible for one such species
to acquire a characteristic during its own lifetime?
Lamarkian position is that “the constant craning of a giraffe to
reach leaves high in a tree would alter its sperm or egg that its
offspring would be born with longer necks” (114). This seems like a
ridiculous idea – though only in retrospect! That is, only in the
retrospect provided by knowledge of Darwin's theories. Nonetheless,
the argument is still that repeated behaviours or habits of animals
has a literal affect on sperms or eggs. Thus if the sperm or eggs are
affected by this behaviour, then they will automatically produce
offspring that will be different in some small or even large way.
position, on the other hand, is that there is no direct relation
between animal behaviour and changes in that animal's sperm or eggs.
What actually is argued about behaviour X (say reaching the higher
leaves) is that it's more likely to survive and thus pass on its genes
because of behaviour X. The eggs or sperm aren't changed due to
behaviour. Though the behaviour leads to a situation in which that
animal, and animals like it, are more likely to survive. Thus
giraffes with longer necks are more likely to survive. And, because
of that, those giraffes which have longer necks are more likely to
pass on the long-necked gene than those giraffes with shorter necks.
Thus, over time, short-necked giraffes die out because less of them
survive. And the less of them that survive (due to having short
necks) means that they can't pass on their genes. Short-necked
genes aren't passed on; though long-necked genes are.
behaviour doesn't affect genes. What does affect genes, in fact, is
entirely random. Though if a random change in the structure of genes
produces giraffes with long necks, and long necks are more likely to
secure survival, then the genes for long necks are more likely to be
passed on simply because giraffes with longer necks are more likely
to survive than giraffes with shorter necks.